Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hi everybody!

Howdy ya'll from Austin, TX! HAHA I have just always wanted to say that.

So I have been keeping it real out here with my parents. I am starting to really like baths. The water is so nice and warm. I love feeling clean, and it gives me a chance to not have a diaper and pee on my parents. It is so funny.
Grandpa Lynn is here for a visit now. He is very cuddly, and I like having him around. He also brought me some presents from Grandma Lynn, some little booties for my blessing. Which was today. Daddy did a good job and it was very sweet.

My grandpa's and one of my grandmas are here for a visit and everybody was so loud after we got home from church that I had to cover my eyes to try and get some sleep. My carseat makes a nice little bed, but I am growing so fast mom and dad have to get a new headrest for me. I also went in Daddy's truck for the first time. It is so big and fun to ride in.

Mom and dad like to wrap my arms up, so sometimes I have to have mom check my email for me. It is not fair that they don't just let me do it myself, but I guess you have to crawl before you can walk.

Olivia's blessing

Today was Olivia's blessing and it was very nice. I feel wierd talking about it myself, but it was a very cool experience. It is times like these that I really miss not being closer to my brothers. Especially when you are living somewhere where you don't really know anyone else. Dad, and my in-laws came down though and it was nice to have them. We have been trying to get a picture of her yawning since she was born, and this was a good one after church.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mommy Time

I have the greatest Mommy in the world. I love snuggling her so much. She lets me play on her lap all of the time. One of my favorite things to do is to suck on her neck when she is burping me. It makes her laugh, and I love it. Daddy said something about me flirting with mommy but I think he is just crazy sometimes.

I am a very spiritual person already. I have to make sure I say my prayers everyday. I'm a good example for mommy and daddy. My new boppy that we got from daddy's work makes it a lot easier for me to kneel because my neck isn't strong enough yet.

I really like lounging around the house. I'm also able to get a little workout in between eating and sleeping. My arms and legs and neck are getting stronger everyday.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


So I have decided there is an art to swaddling and I just haven't gotten it down yet. Dave does so much better than me. She hates to have her hands down but she always wakes herself up when she moves them. So today dave put them down and she didn't even cry for him. I think she is a daddy's little girl and likes to upset mommy. I got so frustrated last night with it last night. I just let her scream forever and then she made herself so tired because of that, when I picked her up she fell right to sleep. So I have decided to let her cry a little bit because it wears her out and no crying will hurt her even though she sounds like someone hit her or something. So in the end swaddling is great if you can do it but if you can't it just makes you rip your hair out!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Love Sac

So I thought I would show you our adorable daughter in our love sac. She is so small in it and she loves to take naps in it. She can sleep for about 4 hours in it, it is quite nice. Mommy and Daddy are starting to get back to normal but I am seeming to go crazy in this apartment but can't really go anywhere right now. Dave has a new shift at work now so when he gets home he gets the 03:00 shift which is nice for me. She did keep us up last night that was fun! Oh well life of being a parent.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Livy and I

So I thought I had to show my adorable little daughter off. I totally love being a mom. The feeling is so amazing and there is nothing I wouldn't do for her. She is my pride and joy. We finally got out today for about an hour and went to the mall it was nice to get out and feel alive again. My body is still adjusting but Olivia liked being out and using the backpack holder with daddy she slept the whole time while she was in it. We like having Grandma here she has been such help especially to let mommy and daddy sleep all night last night which I needed very badly it will be sad when she leaves. Thanks mom for your help!

Friday, August 15, 2008

I've been busy

You'll have to forgive me for not posting more, i've been busy keeping my parents up all night. They like it though. I went to my doctor for the first time yesterday and she was very nice. She has a mean nurse though that poked me and made me cry. I'm tough though so I stopped quickly. I also had a nice bath with Grandma. She made me all fresh and clean. I like being clean. But, even more than that I like pooping right after they change my diaper, it is so funny. But Daddy still lets me cuddle him. I think he likes me. Look how red my hair is getting.

Mommy likes it when I make silly faces. I like to be silly cause then everyone laughs. I like being a happy little baby.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hi, I'm Olivia

Hi, I'm Olivia Kristine Lynn and I got tired of my daddy speaking for me so I decided to do it myself. I just came home from the hospital today and I am very excited about that. I got so tired of being poked and prodded, but now I can do what babies do best: eat, poop, and sleep.

This is me in my first cute little outfit. My mommy bought it just for me, and I am just so freaking adorable in it. I was just taking a little nap here waiting for mommy and daddy to take me home. All the nurses thought I was the cutest baby ever, and let's be honest, I am. Who could resist such a cute little redhead?

Not only does my daddy change my diapers, he also works quite nicely as a bed. I know he's not perfect, but he has to do his part too since mommy does all the feeding. I have the greatest parents ever.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Baby's first bath

This was just so cute. I am getting tired of saying that by the way, but she really is. She liked being rinsed off and having her hair brushed but she cried through the rest of it.

Baby videos

Amanda promised a video, and here it is.

This was just after she was born. She is just so darn cute. She loves to look around and stare at everything

Monday, August 11, 2008

Introducing Olivia Kristine Lynn

As all of you were expecting, we finally had our little girl this afternoon. Olivia Kristine Lynn was born at 1:19 this afternoon. She weighed 8 pounds and thirteen ounces and was 20 inches long. She has dark red hair and is absolutely adorable as you can see by the pictures. Mom and baby are both doing great and have no problems. Amanda was amazing. She only had to push for a little less than an hour, and the nurses all said that was unfair. Olivia is naturally the favorite in the nursery. She has a full head of hair and is such a good little girl. We are so excited for her to finally be here in our family. I'm sure there will be pictures galore once Amanda gets some more energy, but here are a couple of my favs.

All drugged up.

So our doctor came in this morning and broke Amanda's water. Then she got her epidural an hour or so after that. It was loads of fun cause her water was still coming out and it got all over my feet. It made me feel like part of it. She is doing great though. The nurse just came in and said she is at 6 and abot 80-90% efaced. So we are expecting a baby around 2:30 or so. She is tired but resting. Those drugs do some good things apparently.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Just getting started

So with Amanda getting the first of many drugs in the next 24 hours, a sleeping pill, I guess it falls to me to keep everyone informed. Which obviously is the much easier job. They gave her some drug to help soften her cervix that they expect will stay there until about 7 tomorrow morning. Once she is ready they will give her Petosin(sp?) and then they say it should all happen pretty quick. When we got her at 6 she was a three and was having contractions every 6-8 mins. From what i can tell she is having them every 3-4 mins now so it seems to be progressing all by itself. It would be nice if she could do it without anything else forcing it, but we shall see. I tried to take a picture of her, but the battery on the camera was dead, so it is charging now. Lucky for me I found out when the picture didn't matter or I may have gotten fired.

So, I've decided that while it in no way compares to having a baby, just sitting here being able to do nothing for her sucks. They really hurt her putting the IV in, and it really sucked not being able to do anything. I'm assuming it will only be worse once it all actually happens.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

There is an end!

So Dave and I found out yesterday that if this baby doesn't come this week that we are scheduled to go into the hospital on Sunday night to get induced. I can't tell you how excited I am to finally know that I don't have to itch my stomach anymore because of stupid stretch marks. They suck does anybody know that. Knowing Olivia she won't come till then because she is stubborn like her mommy and daddy!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

New Camera

So this is a picture of my husband trying out our new camera as it can do panoramic takes isn't cool. You can see how huge I am my stomach and feet. It is just so fun!

We Gave in on making a blog

Hey everyone! We finally decided since we live so far away from friends and family we should finally get a blog. It will mostly be so you guys can enjoy Olivia when she comes to our family which we are hoping is very soon. Mommy is not feeling the best and daddy wants her out to play with her. We hope any day now! Anyways check back for this is where we will post the pictures of her and some video clips. We are very excited.