Thursday, May 13, 2010

We got our date

Dave just got his OTS date for Sept. 14 Which means he is on his way to Alabama as am I. My brother and sister in law are letting me stay with them so I can have the baby there and dave will most likely be able to see the birth which will be good. Let's just hope my health will stay good until then and no complications so I can go out there. He will Graduate Dec 16 and then be on our way to move to Pensacola, FL. I can't wait to be back by the ocean I love it.

So an update on Olivia she likes to copy Daddy and I's every move. Whatever we do she will do. It is cute but gets annoying at times but she is learning and that is what I love. She loves to go swimming. Yesterday her and I went in the pool and she is not afraid to jump in the pool even if it is in a dangerous area by the steps and then she counts 1,2, 3 and I dunk her under the water. She loves it. She tells us all the time when she is peeing and poohing so I am guessing she is showing signs of potty training but I have no idea. I want to buy a little toilet soon and see if she will go but when I put her on the big potty. All she does is say pee pee and then makes the sound pssssss as if she is peeing. So she has no clue how to do it. Maybe I'll rent some potty training movies from the library and see if that helps her. She is such a joy and makes me smile all the time.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Tentative Date

So Dave got an email yesterday getting a tentative date for Officer Training School for Sept. We were excited to finally start making some decisions. Our family has been so great at supporting us and the decisions we are about to make. We have had to make decisions where my family is going to be helping us out a lot with this baby coming in September. I feel truly special to have them in my life. So the recrutier said most likely the tentative date will be a for sure in about a month but hey it was something. It was so crazy too because this week I have been so down on myself because of not having enough patience and faith that this was going to happen that I was just about to give up until I prayed and told him I give up and he told me just look at it as if it isn't going to happen right now but I promise it will eventually. So as I was driving to work yesterday a thought came across my mind that we were going to find out something today and lo an behold we did. God knows us so well and it will be very humbling during the three months we will be apart that I know he will always be there for me. We have some plans for baby #2 to come but waiting until they are for sure and the tenative thing is taken away. For now figuring out insurance with me losing my job the end of may I have to go on Dave's insurance which isn't as good as mine but I should be glad I have something. We could still end up having the baby when Dave is on tricare and then end up paying $14 dollars for this little guy. That is what is awesome about the military their insurance. I hope that works out but we will see. Being a grown up sucks sometimes.