Thursday, November 13, 2008

First time for real food!

So Dave and I decided it is time to start feeding Olivia baby cereal. She was showing all the signs of still being hungry after a bottle moving her head and following food when we ate it so we decided to try. Oh my goodness she loves it and she can't get enough of it. Obviously I was starving my baby and I didn't even know it until now. She gets mad if I don't go fast enough for her it is quite funny. Here are some pictures of her first few times.


Blacks said...

thanks for posting pics

mel said...

oh my gosh that is some red hair. she is too cute. i can't wait to hold her and give her kisses.

Kim said...

You are so lucky! My baby is 2 months older and can't seem to get the concept down. He just spits it all right back out. Consider that a huge blessing.

Brooke said...

Amanda how the heck are you!?! This is Brooke (Merrell) Banta by the way and not just some crazy lady commenting on your blog!

Your little girl is stinking cute! I love her red hair!

Anyways we've got our own little blog but its set to private so shoot me an e-mail and I'll send you an invite.


pianogirl said...

Adorable! I love their first experiences with baby food. Every kid is different, that's for sure. What fun!

Jacque said...

I really LOVE her hair! It is sooo thick!
I am so happy you have a beautiful baby!

Kristine said...

I am glad she likes to eat real food. Can you please come here and teach Alessia to do this? She much prefers to drink her calories.

Livy is getting so big. I use to think she looked like Curtis as a baby but now I think she looks so different. She is going to be just the most perfect little Olivia.

Is her hair got curl or no?

Derek and Emily said...

Olivia is so cute. Jackson was getting really hungry too so we spiked his bottle with cereal about a month ago. We are going to start the spoon feed next week.